Blue Lagoon

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....a day of self indulgence was had by the touring party this past Sunday at the famous Blue Lagoon. If you´re unsure what the Blue Lagoon is, take a look at the following link here. Amidst lava rock formation that are occasionally as sharp as shark's teeth, lies the soothing pale blue waters of the Blue Lagoon. The Outside temp (during out visit) was 1 degree, with the waters a crispy 40 degrees. It was pure luxury and a treat we'd thoroughly deserved. Apparenntly, it´s made up of saltwater that comes from a bore some 200 meters below the surface. Combine this with the nature blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) and it´s straight out of a luna and at time, very unbelivable landscape (setting). It is totally surreal. Whatever is in the water truly does help and we haven´t felt so dream-like since our departure.....

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